The Circle of Care is a simple, but meaningful concept that sets CareGivers NW apart:
Everything we do revolves around taking the best care of people. It begins with our owner, a servant leader whose own personal journey out of childhood poverty drives him to help people make better lives for themselves and others. It flows into our employees, compassionateand competent caregivers who treat you and your loved ones like family.

It flows into our employees, compassionate & competent caregivers who treat you and your loved ones like family. CareGiversNW, a small, family-run business, takes pride in this level of personal care we provide to each of our clients. And we take just as much pride in taking good care of our caregivers. We hire people who are passionate about doing good work and treating people well, and we reward this passion with competitive pay, excellent benefits, promotion and education opportunities, flexible schedules, and most importantly, a work culture that gives our employees dignity, respect and kindness.
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The Circle of Care surrounds our clients. Our caregivers are fully vetted and carefully matched with clients to promote trust and comfort. Our office staff and supervisors are familiar with every client and every caregiver—anyone you contact will know your situation and be able to assist you.

This Circle of Care - whether you’re receiving our care or giving the care - is an endless cycle of love that drives everything we do.